
Crystals are not just beautiful stones, they are minerals charged with energy. They are formed deep within the earth and have long been used in ancient healing practices. Each crystal vibrates at its own unique frequency that can connect with our own energy, helping to heal, balance and support our needs.

Famous scientists such as Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla acknowledged the power of energy and vibration, the very core of what crystals are all about. Tesla believed that understanding energy, frequency and vibration is key to unlocking the universe's secrets, showing how crystals can interact with our body's energy.

Since crystals absorb energies, regular cleansing is important to maintain their effectiveness. The best time for recharging them is under a full moon, in sunlight or beneath a clear star filled sky.

Incorporating crystals into daily life is easy. Whether it’s wearing crystal jewellery, placing them around our home, or holding them during meditation, these practices enable us to tap into their energy. This connection facilitates healing, helps us achieve our goals and enhances our positive energy. Crystals offer a deep way to connect with the energy of the earth to make our lives more elevated.